A Surprise for My Celtic Cheerleader

     My goal as father and husband is to build a beautiful family culture in my home.  I like to keep things interesting and surprising, to keep love-in-action as an regular occurrence for my kids and my wife.  So for this latest surprise, my son and I had a weekend home, while mommy and sissy traveled away for a cheering competition. My daughter's Celtics team brought home 1st place in 2 categories, so we made a little banner to welcome them home and celebrate their accomplishment.

Happy Birthday to my Wife!

   Today is my wife's birthday!  On Monday, she was in Louisville, Ky for the NKOTB, Boys II Men, and 98 Degrees Concert with a couple of her friends as her "big" birthday gift!  But on her actual birthday, I wanted to make her feel special with a simple gift that she would enjoy.. nothing major!  Remember, she receives gifts as a sincere expression of my love for her.  Here's what I came up with!  Special thanks to God for creative ideas!  

   Would you have enjoyed this gift?  Also, I could really use other creative ideas to say "I love you!" clearly to my wife.  Comment or e-mail me at myfamilydynamic@gmail.com and let me know some cool ideas..   I appreciate it!  

Wifey Surprise! Maybe?

    When love is not being actively expressed in the marriage relationship, due to life factors, e.g. busy schedules, hobbies or other focus, etc. or simply by not giving the marriage it's due priority, tension sometimes rises in the household.  Left uncontrolled, these can spiral downward quickly toward the moment of explosion (you married folk know what I am talkin' about, and if you don't, I would like to meet you and have dinner).  Someone in the relationship must stop the downward spiral by making a decision to love... actively love!  This is love in ACTION!    

   This video is a documented effort to Love my wife... with ACTION!   

Video Credits:  Special Thanks to Dr. Gary Chapman and his book "The 5 Love Languages."