"God, I love this..."

    This past weekend, our family traveled south to Pigeon Forge, TN to meet up and spend some time with our North Carolina family.  We were blessed by my company with tickets to Dollywood, and we are never a family to turn down a good trip, esp. when there are roller coasters involved.  Friday was a great day!  We ran ourselves ragged hopping from coaster to coaster and having a blast!   One particular coaster we were in line for only accommodates riders by 1 or 2's, and by the way the numbers worked out, I would be riding this one alone.  While riding the Wild Eagle in a car by myself, (Wild Eagle) being one of my favorites at Dollywood, I began to worship God and tell Him about all the fun I was having.  "God, I love this!  I am having so much fun and I wanted to tell you about it!  Thank You so much!"   

An adult riding all alone is not a Kodak moment I wanted kept... but oh well!

An adult riding all alone is not a Kodak moment I wanted kept... but oh well!

    In our modern day, to many people, our Heavenly Father is nothing more than e911.  While it is true that He is "our very present help in time of trouble,"(Psalm 46:1) our Father God wants to be more than simply a way out of difficult and uncomfortable places.  Remember in the beginning, God came down and walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the Garden when there was NO sin, NO difficulty and NO trouble in the world.  Also remember in the end, there will be NO trials, NO tears, and NO death! (Hallelujah to God!)   The God of Eternity wants to know you! He wants to walk with you! He wants to hear from you, not just in trial and difficulty and need. He wants to share in times of fun and pleasure.  Tell Him when you are happy. Tell Him about the things you enjoy.  It's called relationship!  Worship Him in times of blessing.  David said, "I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me." (Psalms 13:6)  I know for me, when I share with God in my joy, worship and praise to God is a natural result, and Scripture tells us that God inhabits or dwells in our praises (Psalm 22:3).  It's GOOD to have God around!  It's BENEFICIAL to have Him close!    He loves us and wants to be where we are.  This is a good thing!    

Tell Him about the things you enjoy.  It’s called relationship.

    How would I feel as a father to my children, if all they wanted to talk with me about was what they wanted me to buy them?  How would I feel if they only wanted me around when the WiFi was out?  Would I enjoy hearing only about their problems? NO!   I want to know what makes them happy and sad, what brings them pain and what brings them pleasure!  I want to know them. God wants to know us!  YES, cry out to Him in your difficulty, trust Him with your needs, but also speak with Him with great thanksgiving when you are filled with Joy!  He wants to hear about it all!    

What Being a Mother Means to Me - A Mother's Day Testimony

    Carrie was contacted to be a part of the Mother's Day Service this year at Regional Church of God.  This is the testimony she shared.  Toward the end, she shares a story about a dream our son had concerning our child that was lost from the womb. Check it out.. 

The True Meaning of Easter

  In the days leading up to Easter, my son who has recently taken an interest in, of all things, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations approached his teacher with a request to do a presentation on Easter.  His teacher then allowed several of the students in the class to embark on this journey in small groups.  Having the preconceived idea that she would see presentations including Peter Cottontail, candy, and baskets, she received the surprise of her life.  The presentations were not cartoons at all.  These kids proceeded to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the true meaning of Easter!  

Order in the Home!

    My recent studies in the Scripture concerning the Presence of God have lead me to revisit a Word our Church received in January concerning "Order."  At this point, I am not completely clear on how order fits into a pursuit of the Presence of God, but I find it interesting that when the angel visited Zechariah with an announcement of a son, Zechariah was executing the Priest's office .... (you guessed it) in ORDER.. (Luke 1:8).        When pondering order in the home specifically, I must know God's design for such.  A knowledge of God's design for my home followed by my obedience to operate in the order that He has set forth in Scripture will align me to receive all God has for my family, and (I am hoping) to maintain a sweet environment of His Presence here with us!  Is this not a goal for every home?  

Happy Birthday to my Wife!

   Today is my wife's birthday!  On Monday, she was in Louisville, Ky for the NKOTB, Boys II Men, and 98 Degrees Concert with a couple of her friends as her "big" birthday gift!  But on her actual birthday, I wanted to make her feel special with a simple gift that she would enjoy.. nothing major!  Remember, she receives gifts as a sincere expression of my love for her.  Here's what I came up with!  Special thanks to God for creative ideas!  

   Would you have enjoyed this gift?  Also, I could really use other creative ideas to say "I love you!" clearly to my wife.  Comment or e-mail me at myfamilydynamic@gmail.com and let me know some cool ideas..   I appreciate it!  

Wifey Surprise! Maybe?

    When love is not being actively expressed in the marriage relationship, due to life factors, e.g. busy schedules, hobbies or other focus, etc. or simply by not giving the marriage it's due priority, tension sometimes rises in the household.  Left uncontrolled, these can spiral downward quickly toward the moment of explosion (you married folk know what I am talkin' about, and if you don't, I would like to meet you and have dinner).  Someone in the relationship must stop the downward spiral by making a decision to love... actively love!  This is love in ACTION!    

   This video is a documented effort to Love my wife... with ACTION!   

Video Credits:  Special Thanks to Dr. Gary Chapman and his book "The 5 Love Languages."