Breakfast In Bed!

     What can I do on a Saturday morning to put my wife and family back in their proper place in my priorities?  Clearly, I am the person that continues to forget.  This tends to be the case during weeks full of  things that scream for my attention.  No excuses, priority is priority!  I must not neglect my God, my wife, or my family!  So this morning, I decided to listen to the voice of my wife from weeks past... "How about breakfast in bed?"  Sure, it was her idea, we regularly and freely communicate each others needs.  But I must confess here that I am usually the one who forgets,  and as a result have to constantly re-prioritize!  It's a weakness that I must work on!  

     Dr. Larry Crabb in his book Men & Women: Enjoying the Difference, writes that our #1 enemy in marriage is self-centeredness and therefore other-centeredness is the goal!  Interestingly enough, Paul says it this way, "In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies" (Ephesians 5:28 NIV), and in Mark 12, Jesus commands us to love other... how?  as thyself!  So other-centered living, though not a natural way of life in our culture, is what we need to keep in the front of our minds and hearts.  

     I rose this morning to God's new mercy and first spent time with Him, then prepared a nice breakfast for my wife to enjoy in bed!  Cream of wheat and buttered toast were the special of the day, served on a cooking pan.... you know, because we don't have a tray.  It took me longer to clean up the mess I made in the microwave than to actually prepare the meal.  Afterwards, I prepared a second order made for a Princess!  I need to set the standard for what a man and husband should be in the life of my daughter!  Hopefully, this will ensure that no scummy low-life.........nevermind!  :)   So both my girls got breakfast in bed this morning.  And as for my son, he got his ever-desired Chocolate Milk .... with extra chocolate!     

     I am quite sure that I will get my priorities out of line again, but there will always be a repentance and re-calibration of priorities to position my God, my wife, and my family at the top of my time and attention!   In addition, I must always face the fact that the tendency towards self-centered living is ever before me and consistently work to get out of the rut and think of others!  Thanks be unto God for His mercy and grace!  We all should be free to extend mercy and grace to others!  Love does cover a MULTITUDE of sin!  


A Hedge For My Family!

     Many times, I have said to my kids, "I may not always guarantee your happiness, but you can guarantee I will always do my utmost to keep you safe!"  Protection for my kids is one of my top priorities, and I am always cognisant of the fact that I, as father, have a primary responsibility in this.  While still living in a world where tragedy often knocks at the door of "good people," there has to be something I can do to give my utmost for the safety and protection of my children! 

     Job's story in the Bible is often related to human suffering, but as I read his story, I find that had the test of his character not been allowed by God, this story looks completely different.  Job lived a life before God in such a way that He (God) had all things covered or better said.... hedged!  He was doing a great job of keeping his kids safe! 

   Check out this short exerpt from my last sermon! 

Father-Daughter Connection at Miramar Beach

  On Day 1 of our family vacation 2013, I had a moment of connection with my daughter in the ocean, while enjoying the crystal clear waves of Miramar Beach, Fl. The New Testament ends with this statement in Malachi 4, "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."      

  It is interesting that a curse was prescribed for the earth if not for the working of the Spirit of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, etc. Connection to our kids is very important, especially in a day where these relationships are greatly impacted through divorce and other factors.  I truly treasured the moments with my family during vacation, most specifically this one with my daughter!!

    This video is pretty much RAW with only a transition between the 2 clips. Also I realize I need to shave, but "Hey, it is what it is and that's what this channel is all about!" :)  Real family... living real life!