Our Family Vision!

    Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish..."  Vision is critical to a thriving walk in life, esp. Christian life!  I find so often people lose focus during their walk with Christ when they don't maintain vision moving forward.  Families lose their way when parents, as leaders fail to lift up vision and keep it ever before their eyes.  As a husband and father, it is very important that I lead the charge in my home to know God's vision for my family and to properly communicate it so that we accomplish what God wants for us.  The Heavenly Father has many blessings for His children, I want to receive what He has for me!  "Receiving"... begins with vision!  Our vision then guides our time of family devotion and prayer and consequently, our lives!  

     This video shares with you the vision for our family in this season of life... enjoy!